Part 64.5 – She-Hulk: Attorney at Law

Harrison Ford has been cast to replace the late William Hurt as Thunderbolt Ross in Captain America: New World Order & in Thunderbolts.
We’re now just 2.5 weeks away from Black Panther: Wakanda Forever.
Here’s the first trailer for Ant-Man & the Wasp: Quantumania.
And here’s part 64.5….

She-Hulk: Attorney at Law:

#1 “A Normal Amount of Rage”:
–Oh hai 4th wall break. D-Piddy is gonna be pleased…?
–“Stop whining about Hulk’s arm.” ~Kevin Feige
–Definitely NOT every distracted-driving commercial ever.
–Very quick origin story.
–Nice bathroom people are awkward, but comforting.
–Guys who won’t accept “no” are awkward & discomforting.
–Ohh, Bing-Bong. 😦
–The lullaby was a hypnotic trigger; how is that hard to explain?
–Why would you hold *in* your farts when you’re trying to relax?
–“I don’t like that her hair is completely different as a Hulk.” ~my wife
–Bruce is being patronizing & struggling to accept the differences in personal experience, but Jen is being stubborn in rejecting the wisdom of lived experience.
My understanding of the shockwave clap.
–And this person is…?
–Credits: Stan, describing Jen.

#2 “Superhuman Law”:
–Recap: Whoa, the recaps have original narration footage!
–“Superpowered influencer” are among the most infuriating words I’ve ever heard.
–“Talk to it“!?
–Hopefully that’s just 5 figures in student loans now.
–Wait, was she wearing that hoodie in hulk form?
–I have already forgotten her buddy’s name.
–Awkward conversation is awkward.
–I am kinda tired of this Hawkeye question.
–Kind dad is kind.
–Ally McBeal above the bar.
–Difference between She-Hulk & Deadpool: Other characters can hear Deadpool.
–I can’t imagine any *judge* approving this conflict waiver.
–I would NOT trust that laser gate.
–So Blonsky was transferred to Damage Control after SHIELD fell, got it.
–This “seven soulmates” thing is setting off big red flags.
“I’m a completely different person now.”
–That hurt, Emil.
–Mid-Credit Scene: It’s that Best Buy commercial where the teenage daughter has to fix everyone’s tech, but with a Hulk.

#3 “The People vs. Emil Blonsky”:
–I don’t think Bruce or Blonsky count as cameos, Jen; they’ve had way too much screentime.
–Oooh, they called it!
–Shadow “Dimension”? Suurrrre.
–Dennis, 9 times out of 10, our hearts just get dissolved.
–Oh, look, it’s how clickbait sites generate articles.
–Props for the accurate fractions.
–Dang, I think Blonsky might *actually* be reformed.
–Pug got himself a slam dunk.
–Ms. Thee Stallion is not helping with Jen’s cameo argument.
–WHiH would not have been this kind.
–These guys don’t have have powers; they just have weapons.
–Solid Harvey Birdman vibes this episode.
–Credits: They really used a song that mentions the Joker?
–Mid-credit scene: Ok, that explains giving main-cast credit to a cameo.

#4 “Is This Not Real Magic?”:
–Donny Blaze (I see what you did there) isn’t even good at *stage* magic.
–Wong is still on this show?
–“Twitter armor”? You & I both wish, Jen.
–It’s actually a really good headshot, Nikki.
–Did he just set his own phone on fire?
–Wong’s case is weak, but his argument is correct. Donny here is endangering lives constantly, & that should be patently obvious (pun intended).
–Wong, The Sopranos has been off the air for 12 years my time, & you’re 3 years in the future from me.
–That’s still just a portal, Donny.
–And those are the aforementioned demons, Donny. I’ll betcha they know “Jake”, too.
–Genuinely sad for Jen here. Guy had to know she wouldn’t stay like that ALL the time.
–Credits: I’m enjoying the artwork, but it’s still 7 minutes of credits.
–Mid-credit scene: Vodka & milk sounds like some horribly ill-conceived attempt to mimic RumChata. Also, at least This Is Us only ended this year (my time).

#5 “Mean, Green, & Straight Poured Into These Jeans”:
–Perfume ads were bad even *before* influencers were a thing.
–Lip-sync is off.
–Very solid point about walking home safely.
–Do Iron Man Threes explode if your body rejects them?
–That is a real toy Mjolnir.
–She didn’t trademark the psuedonym because she didn’t establish the name! This isn’t difficult!
–Is Titania trying to get her own case dismissed?
–Not gonna lie, I was kinda hoping for Melvin Potter, but I guess we *are* on the wrong side of the country.
–There doesn’t appear to be any media in the courtroom on this case, so it’s not like this bit of embarrassment is gonna spread very wide.
–I loathe the use of “hater” as an excuse to dismiss legitimate criticism, & personally I blame Hilary Duff.
–Ah, I guess Melvin is still in jail. Or maybe Betsy finally has him on the straight & narrow?

#6 “Just Jen”:
–Ugh, glitter.
–“How do you say no to being a bridesmaid?” You make selfish demands less than a week before the wedding that would screw over both another bridesmaid & at least one other guest, then bail when the bride refuses to play that game.
–Heh, it’s Thursday.
–This is the best the She-Hulk CGI has looked all season; she looks genuinely integrated into the scene for once!
–Wait, this is the MCU Mr. Immortal? Bummer for Derek Theler.
–I know some disingenuous trolls like Titania. Met some on Reddit, met some on VGF, met some IRL.
–Bigamy’s illegal, so Craig’s case here should be that only the first spouse has an actual claim.
–Shirts like that wrinkle the instant you bend over.
–We had to pay like $1000 for an open bar, & barely anyone ended up drinking.
–Nikki’s gonna make a great lawyer.
–Ok, so Titania actually has a complete subplot now, AND Jameela gets a decent fight scene, nice.
–I know some people like the Intelligencia too.
–Mallory’s wrong, *never* let death threats go.

#7 “The Retreat”:
–Ohr nor, the condensation! Cleor!
–Josh’s food truck idea is literally just Wendy’s.
–They are blocking the view of the car behind them.
–My phone is always muted in churches, theaters, & my job.
–Parole officer seems like an ok guy.
–El Aguila is too flashy to be a Zorro-type.
–They’re saying the name of the car too much for it NOT to be product placement, but they also wrecked the car too much to BE product placement.
–There’s only one daywalker, so I’m pretty sure Blonsky is right about Saracen not really being a vampire.
–I about busted a gut at “You never heard of…Spain?”
–I *remember* that guy; I just didn’t *recognize* that guy. Laughed pretty hard at “Previously on That Guy” too.
–Saracen isn’t a vampire, but he’s onto something with the blood thing.
–I have old contacts I don’t waste time on anymore, but I don’t like deleting records, & Jen might need to track down Josh again for non-romantic reasons.
–So where did the 7 soulmates go?
–Dang it, I *really* wanted that fantheory to be wrong.

#8 “Ribbit & Rip It”:
–What goes up must come down; your name is *Leap*frog, not *Fly*frog.
–He’s NOT representing himself?…oh no….
–Aha, the Accords are repealed! Thank goodness. Also, Matt has a bit of conflict here himself.
–How would he even know she’s a beautiful woman? It’s kinda spooky actually.
–Matt accidentally tipped his hand here by admitting Luke, a man who only tailors for supers, made him clothes, but Jen’s already drunk.
–I promise Toddles here did NOT study abroad in Wakanda.
–There’s a lot of CG here that doesn’t need to be.
–Gold is a bad color for stealth.
My first mental image when the “Lilypad” was revealed.
–Poison dart frogs don’t actually shoot darts.
–That’s WAY too many cuts for a hallway fight. Loki did a oner through a whole town, & you guys couldn’t pull one off for a single room?
–Dat walk of shame tho.
–Dat Wolverine pose tho.
–Mallory’s jab at the host is lovely.
–Clearly these idiots standing around filming this never saw Carrie.
–So, these guys like the Hulk, but their plan to take down She-Hulk is to make people see her like they do the Hulk?

#9 “Whose Show Is This?”:
You magnificent sons of guns, you actually did it!
–Not a good look for Holliway to fire Jen for the same reason he hired her.
–GREAT look for Papa Morris.
–That video looks Orphan-Black-ish.
–Dennis is an EASY defamation suit. Do NOT lie about people. *acuongthycpoausgtho*
–There’ll be no Stranger Than Fictioning here!
–I read a fantheory that Nikki would be revealed to have been in the Intelligencia all along. I appreciate how epicly wrong that fantheory was.
–And now, “Deep Thoughts” by Emil Handy
–It was that douche Todd all along!
–There’s a dude here who looks like Ryan Murphy (not the famous one, the cool YouTube one).
–I got worried about Emil, but it looks like he just had no clue who these clients were.
–Oh, thank goodness, Todd’s an idiot & confessed to everything in front of two people with an open phone line.
–There’s a lot of annoying contrivances in this scene, but the only *confusing* part is how Bruce got here.
Jen’s Big Idea (1966, colorized)
–“This is very creepy, the way you’re talking about him, it’s not healthy.” *acuongthycpoausgtho*
–Feige probably laughed his butt off when Gao pitched “What if we made you GLaDOS?”
–I like Jen’s changes, but I also would’ve liked to see them play out after she went back, instead of skipping over the climax.
–Supermax was the prison Jessica Jones tried to get sent to.
–When & how did this happen, Bruce? (I mean, the when is obvious. But HOW?)
–Credits: You just spoiled the mid-credit scene, guys.
–Mid-credit scene: Wongers is overstepping.

Executive summary: There are some glaring visual design issues (the GLK&H set must’ve been a nightmare for the VFX team to integrate She-Hulk into), & some of the jokes don’t land, but mostly this is a funny & intelligent good time with a powerhouse performance by Tatiana Maslany & a powerful message about how certain people engage with media.

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